Page name: Inu gone crazy RP [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-09-18 20:06:14
Last author: Mrs.Fruitcake
Owner: . x o x o .
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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THis is for all the inuyasha fans that just want the show to be alittle umm...wierd. Well any-hoo just go and role play and be as crazy as you want-
1- NO claiming a character
2- NO character bashing (cept can blow her up for all i care ^_^)
3- no pokeing for more then 26pokes
4- and DIFFENTLY PLease don't pair up the characters if they don't go together! (no Kagome/ Sesshomaru--- NO Ayame/ Inu --NO Sango/ Naraku --and so on and so on.)

the list of characters have been moved here Inu characters so if you want to join, just go there and add your name. I had to make more space. >_<

(add on characters as it gets going you can make up your own character if you want - but PLEASE don't make them their siblings/half siblings!)


Kikyo looks up at the sky and sighs. She sits down and notices that some one is walking towards her. "hello? Who are you?" she says expecting an answer.

"The name is Ayame!" A girl steps out of the shadows. She has orange pigtails and an iris in her hair.

Kikyo looks at the flower in Ayame's hair. "Hey that thing looks old but healthy...You got it growing on water in your head? How does it stay so healthy looking?" Kikyo pokes it. "Or IS IT A DEMON?" Kikyo grabs for her bow and arrow.

"Ku Ku Ku!" Naraku laughs as he appears before Ayame and Kikyo.

"THAT'S NOT A DEMON..." Amaye says as she pointed to her iris. She turns and glares at Naraku. "EVIL!!!!"

"O im evil am i ? ku ku ku" NAraku takes Ayame's wrist. THen takes Kikyo's. They both struggle. Naraku sticks his tongue out at them.

"Let go!" Ayame struggles.

Kikyo mindlessly pokes Naraku's forhead. "I like cheese. Do you like cheese?" she says in hopes of scaring him away.

"Pssst," Ayame glares at Kikyo and whispered," We're supposed to be caught and be in dismay...NOT POKIN' THE ENEMY!!! Where's the director?...I sware thats not in the script." Ayame drops from Naraku's grasp. "*Sigh*"

Kikyo eyes poof into tears "IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY!" Kikyo pouts and then goes back to asking Naraku random questions "Hey whens your birthday? Where did you get your monkey cloak? Where do you get your maku up? Is it the same place fluffy gets his? Hey are there? Hey if some one came up to you and said that they loved you what would you do? Am i annnoying yet?" Kikyo looks over at Ayame. "Hey, do you like cheese?"

Ayame begins to inch away. "When I find the creator...i sware..."

Inu-yasha walks over. "What is with all the noise!? Gezz...can't a guy get some sleep?---Ki-Kikyo...?"

Kikyo turns serious and looks at Inuyasha "Inu...........................................................................(5hours later)......yasha!"

Inu-yasha raises an eyebrow. "Since when are you so hyper...erm...Did you get like half of shippo's script or something?" Inu-yasha cocks his head. Where is the racoon mean fox?

Ayame takes a stick and begins to nugde Naraku. "Is this a prop? He's still in a holding-something-up postion...Maybe its cardboard..."

Naraku looks at Ayame " could be useful...." Naraku smiles and then notices Inuyasha "Hey the camras not on- so you don't have to act like you love Kikyo, we all know your little little hill billies. Dating your sister now thats a no-no!"

"Useful? huh?" Ayame cocked her head. "What does that mean...?" so much for cardboard...

Inu-yasha's gaw dropped. "Hill billys!!!??? Excuse me! I think youre mistaken! She's not my sister!!!!" Inu-yash points into the audience at a neko demon. She waves back at him and he blushes sheepishly. Then he realized that everyone could see the red in his face and he twiched a bit.

"Hey whos the neko?Inu got a new girl?" Naraku asks peevishly. "Well then i don't think you'll be needing them..." Naraku picks up Ayame and Kikyo. Lets see you went through about five girls through out the whole show...geez seddle down, your turning into Miroku..."

"It's just the show!" Inu-yasha spats. He notices the red light on the camara. "Uh...we're on!----LET THEM GO!!!"

Ayame kicks Naraku,"Stop carring me around!"

"Why? KuKuKU!" Naraku starts " um..." HE softens his voice. "Line!"

Ayame rolls her eyes. "Oh boy... not again..."

"You're a pain..." Inu-yasha smirked. "You always forget your lines.

Naraku laughs at Inuyasha. "Well atleast I doesn't forget quotiton marks after i say something..." Naraku snaps.

Kikyo sits down on the ground and starts singing "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts nuts~~"

Naraku looks at her annoyed. "HEY STOP SINGING THAT SONG! You sang it all last night...and now i have it stuck in my head...." Naraku hits his forehead.

Kikyo looks at the camras and sees the camra man mouth-WE'RE LIVE!-. A sweat drop forms on Kikyos head and she stands up and says in a serious voice "NARAKU! YOU VILE HALF DEMON!"

Inu-yasha cracked a grin, but then began to say his lines. "It's time to die!" He drew the Tetsiga, but in it's place was a giant fork. A fork...? O.O;;; "PROPS!!!!"

"Kikyo goes over to Inuyasha and says "ARE YOU THAT HUNGRY?? YOU BROUGHT A FORK<?>" o boy....wait to go genius....

"I'm not hungry!" Inu-yasha spat. GEZZ WHO WOULD KEEP SUCH A BIG FORK! did that fit in the shieth...?

"AH its the attack of the PPM PREPPY PURPLE MOKEYS AND FLOATING FRUITLOOPS AH" Kikyo hides behinde Naraku.

"WHAT!?" Inu-yasha twitched.

"THe evil preppy purple mokeys with floating fruit loops ARE ATTACKING US...we must have done something wrong...we must ...we must ...DO SOMETHING!" Kikyo says in a hyper way.

Ayame drew her sword at the monkies and Inu-yasha faced them with the fork. ><;;;

Kikyo laughed "THeres no monkeys...i just said that because i was bored and...Ayame since when do you have a sword? i thought that that was just a stick that was just there...because you NEVER use it....."

Ayame frowned. "I never had a reason to use it."

"o ok.....Hey Naraku are you dead? YOur not talking...and i think that you of all people would start saying things if i hide behinde you." Kikyo says while poking Naraku.

Inu-yasha sighed "Not again..."

"NARAKU?" Kikyo looks at him and notices that hes sleeping standing up. "O great not again...He has a sleeping disorder...o great and we're live...O GREAT AND IM TALKING!"  but if Naraku's asleep...whos going to play as him? O boy....i hope SOME ONE COMES AND BECOMES NARAKU BECAUSE HES SLEEPING...

Naraku snores alittle and then wakes up to see everyone staring at him. "Hey what happened to the beach?"

"Beach?" Kikyo asks while slapping the back of his head.

Alaina walks in. "What the......." See's Inu with giant fork. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz,what the heck!?!?!?" Tears of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Where-where's your sword!?!? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

"The beach with the sand and the ...O Inuyasha! I shall kill you" Naraku says and then yawns.

"Aw i think NaWAku needs a nappy" Kikyo says toying with him.

Alaina stared. O.O She started to giggle a little. "Hmhmhmhm...HAHAHAHA!!! Naraku,you seem tired. Let me help you..."
Grabs short bow from back and an arrow.

A half wolf demon jumps in and grabs the bow and arrow from the lady's hands.

"Wha-!?!? Hey! Who did that!?!? Whoever you are,you're dead meat!"

*blink Blink*"I didn't hurt it see!Sorry I didn't know if you were going to shoot it or not but I had to stop you cause even though Naraku is bad he's kinda cute ya know!!"she hands back the bow.

"Thank you...and where was"*anime sweatdrop* "What was I doing again?"

"Yes right well I'm Natsumi nice to meet you but I cannot let you kill a cute guy!Only I can do that!Muwha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"What!? No way,I'll fight you for that privelage!!!"

Natsumi jumps over the girls head and slashes at her back!"you've got your self a deal missy!" she jumps back and waits for a counter attack.

"Fine!" Alaina grabbed and fired an arrow faster than the eye could see.

Natsumi ducks because she smelled and heard it but it hits her in her arm" gggggrrrrr you'll pay for that!"She bounces from tree to tree then yells "Silver Soul Shredder!!"And (like inu yasha pwoer thingy only silver and it destroys the soul not the body!) silver power comes from her hand in a wolves head type of looking thingy.

"Gah! That'! *dodges* " could YOU use THAT attack!?!?"

Natsumi scoffs"I have always been able to use it human!no fight me!!!" she jumps to the ground then runs super fast up to her and looks her straight in the eye.

"Hey what exactly are you two 'fighting' for? if its about MY Naraku..." Kikyo lowers her voice and a gaint sweat drop forms. "well anyway- LAlalalala"

Ayame began to inch away again. "I think I missed something...SCRIPT!!!! WHERE THE HECK IS IT!"

Inu-yasha sighed. "We need a new director...while we're at it we need a new props director...and..." he continued to babble on as he looked at his fork.

ALaina walked over to Inu. "Cuz,you have got to do something about that thing" She pointed at the fork. Then snickered. "OR YOU COULD KEEP IT 'CAUSE ITS SO DARN FUNNY!!!!!" *falls back ROFL*

"YAY INU^_^ you can use it to EAT the purple monkeys and Floatin Fruit Loops ^_^" Kikyo says while smirking. SHe then walks over to Ayame "HELLO! HOW IS YOU TODAY?"

*is still ROFL*

"I DONT WANNA EAT THEM! AND I NEED SOME FORM OF DEFENSE *mutters* against you morons...SO FOR NOW I'M IMPORVISING!!!" Inu-yasha spat. I hate this thing right now, Inu-yasha thought. He attempted to put the fork back in the sheith, but it got stuck on the sides and refused to go in. ><;;; "FINE!!!!" Inu-yasha yelled at it.

Ayame looked at Kikyo. "I think you forgot to take your medicen today...but...I IS FINE!!!"

A giant pink bubble with big goggly eyes floats in. "Weeeee! Look I'm a bubble!" the thing said.

Inu-yasha glared at it. He lifted his fork and poked it. POP!

Alaina just got calmed down and started laughing again. "I'm sorry....I laugh WAY too easily..."

Kikyo smiles and runs aroun in a circle singing "DOUGHNUT DOUGHNUT DOUGHNUT!" white foam comes out of her mouth."HAhahahaHAHAHA"

The bubble pops and a little fox boy appears. Out of no where he says," Why do I look so much like a girl?"

"You tell me." Inu-yasha said as he poked him with the fork.

"O.O''''" Ayame walked to Inu-yasha.

He looked at her,"What is it!"

"It's Kikyo...I think she has rabies..." Ayame twitched.

Inu-yasha stopped poking the fox boy and went over to Kikyo and gave her a quick flick on the nose.

Kikyo Laughs hysterically and then hugs Inuyasha "Inu- washa ^_^"

Natsumi junges at inu yasha and starts to glomp him"You are sooo funny and you are just like me!!!"she starts to pull his ears then his hair.Finally she starts to look for a tail on his butt.

Kikyo gasps for air then runs over to Shippo " AW your such a Cute KITSUNE" Kikyo hugs the small Kitsune. "DO you want some candy?" Kikyo pulls out some bubble gum and lolly pops.

Inu-yasha pushed Natsumi away. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!? -O.O-"

"Looky looky Natsumi! SHIPPO HAS A POOFY TAIL!" Kikyo pokes Shippo's tail.

Ayame ran to Shippo. "AWWWWWWWWWW"

Kikyo then smiles "Im tired!" SHe faints and lands on Shippos tail. "SNORE SNORE"

Natsumi glances at the kistune "where is it you ARE like me right!?so where is it?"she continues to search for a tail then gets up and crosses her arms"are you like me or not!"she yells getting engry.

Shippo looks around at everyone. "I need to breath!" Shippo tried to run but was being held down by Kikyo ebcause she was sleeping on his tail! "Nooooooooo!"

Kikyo woke up and was back to her serious self. "Hey how much is this pillow?"

"Pillow?" asks Naraku who finnally decided that the madness had to stop.

"This WONDERFUL Kitsune pillow" Kikyo points to Shippos tail.

"That's not a pillow!" Shippo said as he grabbed his tail. "It's my tail!" He ran off as fast as his little fox leggys could carry him.

Kikyo waves good bye to him. "Bye bye Cutey Kitsune Pillow."

"WWWWAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"Natsumi sries sitting down hard"HE hasn't got a tail!!!!!!!!!!" she yells then her eyes start to glow red and she starts going just a little crazy.

"GREAT OBSERVATION SHELOCK!" Inu-yasha ran a few feet away. "geeez...she's wacked..."

Ayame picked up the fox boy. "Are you alright?" (she is obviously relitivly sane)

Natsumi attacks inu yasha by jumping and yelling"Silver Soul Slasher!"and a sildver wolves head comes and tries to eat him!

"What the--" Inu-yasha turned. "HELLO!!!" He slashed at them with his fork. (-.-;;;)

Right behind inu yasha the full blooded Natsumi slaches with her claws at inu yashas back!


"Erm...right." Picks up bow and aims arrow.

Inu-yasha attacked with the sharp piont of the fork. "This stinks..."

"Let me help you out there,cuz..." She picked up the bow and an arrow and aimed.

Demon Natsumi runs to the one with the bow and slashes it in half leaving her back wide open.

"What the-!?!? You will regret that...I AM ALAINA RENE PRANA!!!!!!"

"Hey im clueless right now so im going go play with soul snachers bye bye ." Kikyo says walkinjg away.

"Bye Kikyo!" Ayame waved.

Inu-yasha was still forking his attacker.

"Wait a second - INUYASHA! I HAVE A QUESTION!" Kikyo says running over to him.

Demon Natsumi struggles with her self as if she can't control her body right! her eyes flicker between normal and red.

"Yes?" Inu-yasha kept any eyes on the flickering.

Demon Natsumi jumps into the air when the half demon Natsumi takes control but passes out and starts to fall in mid air.

"Since you have a giant fork- i think you should make BBQ for everyone"Kikyo says childishly." O and do you need help with the demon Natsumi?" Kikyo says as an after thought.

Inu-yasha took a large hide bag from out of nowhere. "I cooked once...but the food was black from burn...And i think i have her bagged up." Inu-yasha said as he caught Natsumi.

"Good work,Inu-Yasha!" Alaina smiled.

"O So you admit THAT YOU DO FIGHT WITH A FORK!" Kikyo says laughing.

"HEY,NOT ALL THE TIME!!! Just under the,erm...circumstances..."*nervous laugh* "Hehehehe.... ........................(3 hours pass)........LINE PLEASE!!!!

"You have to say sit boy, because thats what Kagome says...and ever since the um...incident with the ketcup and flame thrower....well never mind about get her lines Inu-washa." Kikyo snickers under her breath.

"Eh?" Inu-yasha cocks his head like a pup.

"YOu have to say 'SIT BOY!' and send YOUR SELF CRASHING TWARDS THE GROUND!" Kikyo puts her hands on her hips.

Inu-yasha wasnt paying attention but at the word he fell. Am I suposed to fall now...or is that later...? Whatever! He let himself fall face first. Oww....i need a better pay...

Alaina looks confused. "Um...'I' say 'sit'?"

lol,this is getting too big for my slow connection to net to Inu gone crazy RP2

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-21 [Nuktae-tal]: who do you play on this rp?

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: on this RP i play Kikyo

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: oh so you play kikyo!!

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: yeppers ^ ^

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: tee he ehee so is she insane or what?

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: yep lol

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: lo, yay!!!

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: lol ^ ^

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee but not posting here...or the other page on this wiki...

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: huh? O.o? *confused* ^ ^;;

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: oh never mind!^.^

2004-08-22 [. x o x o .]: lol ^ ^

2004-08-22 [Nuktae-tal]: yay!

2004-09-18 [Paz]: can I be Paz???

2004-09-18 [. x o x o .]: sure! ^ ^  but go here to RP-

2004-09-18 [Nuktae-tal]: huh?

2004-09-18 [. x o x o .]: just telling some one where to go to Rp

2004-09-18 [Nuktae-tal]: okay!

2004-09-18 [. x o x o .]: ^ ^

2004-09-18 [Mrs.Fruitcake]: HEY! everyone PLEASE join- Wind's Realm its [. x o x o .]'s fan club!!1

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